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Fantastic family holiday
in a pine grove

The offer of apartment housesChoose the right one for a perfect holiday

Apartment #15
6 dosp. + persons      3 bedrooms
1 kitchen
1 bathroom      1 toilet
1+1 terrace
Apartment #68
4 dosp. + persons      2 bedrooms
1 kitchen
2 bathroom      2 toilet
1 terrace
Apartment #69
6 dosp. + persons      3 bedrooms
1 kitchen
1 bathroom      1 toilet
1 terrace

Zaujali vás domčeky?
Nechajte si poslať nezáväznú ponuku.

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Swimming, relax, entertainmentFrom family holidays to a party on the beach

An easy access to the sea with grit gravel beach - ideal for kids

A large choice of water sports - windsurfing, parasailing, water scooter rentals and many more

Regatta - sailing school

Water toboggan

Wheelchair access in the city of Vodice - wheelchair lifts for boats and the sea
Leisure time activities
Evening program: disco, live music or cultural program in the city

Bike trails + bike rentals

Boat mooring, scooter mooring by the beach camp

Children activity programs - a miniclub for children

Tennis courts, beach volleyball, kid´s playground
Mobile houses are located in the camp of the Hotel Imperial

Free wifi in the hotel

Free access to the hotel swimming pool

The hotelwellness center: massages, fitness, sauna

Possible Catering in the hotel - half board

They said about usČo si o ubytovaní vo Vodicehome myslia naši hostia. Skutočné reakcie, skutoční hostia s ich pozitívami aj negatívami.

Sme radi, že tento úspešný projekt pre ženy sme mohli ubytovať práve vo Vodicehome
Tu nájdete 22 hodnotení naších apartmánov od hostí, ktorí boli u nás ubytovaní prostredníctvom portálu
Nauč sa pár fráz po chorvátsky a môžeš sa cítiť vo Chorvátsku ešte domáckejšie
Dve rodinky s deťmi, domček č. 68